When we -Soledad and Silvina- met for coffee for a friendly chat, we felt we were putting together the last two pieces of a puzzle. We shared similar passions and were both on a mission to heal the world by helping introduce essential sustainability elements into people's lives and businesses.
We believe with the proper mindset and the right tools, every company, no matter its size, can contribute to solving the world’s biggest problems while at the same time generating profits and new business opportunities.
We founded Thinking Beyond Business -TBB- to provide businesses with simple and easy-to-implement tools that incorporate sustainability concepts into business strategies organically and straightforwardly.
TBB message is clear. Simple actions count and can create a wave of impact. Collectively they have the power to change our world for good!
We are a women-owned sustainability advisory firm focused on helping entrepreneurs and businesses understand, commit to, and incorporate best practices of sustainability into their business model. We help move ESG efforts forward to achieve greater financial results and transformational outcomes.
We are a team of committed professionals with years of experience in business, auditing, and law that are passionate about sustainability. We offer bespoke solutions to help you tune in with the world’s current needs and connect your business with a broader and more loyal audience.
The result? You’ll thrive financially while acting responsibly.
How? We amplify impact by making sustainability simple. We translate complex concepts into everyday actionable initiatives.
We promise a boost of energy for you and your team by setting noble objectives that generate profits for your company and contribute to building a better world.

We believe in simple and practical solutions. In a world overflooded with information and must-dos, simplicity comes as the one alternative to focus on what really matters letting go of what is not.

We believe trust is precious. We aim to be approachable and honest. We are rooted in having good work ethics as a central part of our operations. We approach life and business with kindness and respect.
We don’t pretend to know it all. We are constant students always seeking to acquire new skills, listen to other points of view, and expand our knowledge. We are not afraid and embrace exploring new adventures and challenges, even if they seem difficult.

We live in an interconnected world in which collaboration plays a key role to reach shared goals. We believe in the importance of nourishing relationships as crucial to accomplish success.
Our job is our passion and we are proud of doing what we love, but we know that in order to bring our best self to work every day, we need balance. We cherish equilibrium between family and time for joy, with being responsible to our clients and their needs. Loving the journey reminds us of enjoying every day and embracing our commitment to healing the world.


Silvina Skverer has over fifteen years of accounting, auditing, financial, and strategic planning experience. She has held several leadership positions, including CFO at WingLatino, a Hispanic advertising agency of WPP.
She is actively involved in her community and regularly participates in events that connect her with more vulnerable communities locally and internationally. She led a mission of donors to Argentina with UJA Greenwich and helped organize several fundraising events. She was also a finance mentor at Score White Plains. In her role as President of Women's Philanthropy of UJA Greenwich, she had the opportunity to inspire and empower women to impact their local and global communities.
She has a passion for businesses with a mission beyond generating profits and believes that every business, no matter the size, should have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact in this world. That's why she co-founded Thinking Beyond Business to help small and medium-sized businesses maximize profits through sustainable and socially responsible practices.
Silvina is a board member of the Connecticut Sustainable Business Council, and she is the chair of the business sector of the Greenwich Sustainability Committee.
Silvina is married with two children and lives in Greenwich, Connecticut. When she is not working on TBB, you will find her reading, walking her dog, or working on her novel that she wishes to publish in the future.
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Soledad Matteozzi is a New York and Argentinean attorney with over twenty years of experience advising various clients in Foreign Investments, Business Law, Cross-border transactions, Compliance, Corporate Governance, and Data Protection. She held many leading roles, including Managing Partner of the New York office of an international law firm for many years and was also in charge of opening and developing the China Desk of the same firm in Beijing, China. While in Beijing, and due to her passion for education, she was selected and appointed to the Board of Trustee of the International School of Beijing, leading one of the first Advancement initiatives for international schools in China. While living in Europe, she was President of Philanthropy for an International Organization. She led successful fundraising efforts to support projects to assist women and children in need (among them projects for UNICEF, OXAM, among many others).
When working in the traditional corporate world, she always felt the need to give back to others that didn't have her same opportunities. She volunteered as a law consultant for numerous non-profits organizations focused on empowering women and helping children in need, mainly from Latin American, the region where she grew up. After becoming a mother, experiencing first hand the challenges of life-work balance, and after living in many countries, her perspective and approach to life and business changed utterly. She felt the need to use her skills, education, experience, and background towards a mission-driven purpose, in a new place where she can have a broader impact. Back in the US, she met her partner Silvina, and that is how TBB was founded.
Soledad has a Master's Degree in Corporate, Banking, and Finance Law from Fordham University in New York and holds an ESG (Environmental and Social Governance) Certification issued by Competent Boards.
Soledad aims to create positive change through her work and everyday behavior. She loves traveling and learning new cultures, skiing, and spending time in nature. She is married and is the mother of two young children. She lives in Westport CT, where she also volunteers at the Connecticut Center for Children's Advocacy.